Friday, 8 November 2013

Augrid Corporation - A Case of AuGRID-lock By Hartley Bernstein

It has been more than a year since we reported on AuGRID Corporation (Pink Sheets: AGRI).  Little seems to have changed – at least in several critical respects.  The Company has stopped filing quarterly financial reports with the SEC and still is searching for a viable business.  There is a disquieting sense that this Company is running in place – if it is running anywhere at all.

AuGRID continues to announce new business ventures, but there is no sign that any of them have proven profitable – or even marginally successful.  When we first wrote about the Company in October 2003, it was trumpeting a plan to enter the market for flat-panel display screens – relying on a licensing agreement with an English firm called CeraVision Limited.  There was just one problem.  According to a representative of CeraVision, AuGRID had not paid the required licensing fees and the agreement had been terminated.  See Augrid Corporation - Another Rubin-Esque Venture?; Augrid Corporation - S-8s Are Us; Augrid Corporation - Is New Major Shareholder A Major Headache?; Augrid Corporation - Does Activity Equal Action?   Although AuGRID continued to lay claim to that license, it ultimately acknowledged the possibility of a dispute, retaining counsel to explore the status of the CeraVison license.

But AuGRID was not deterred by the fog surrounding its relationship with CeraVision.  In August 2003, the Company acquired Alysium Corporation – another ill-fated venture.  AuGrid originally claimed that Alysium was “a diversified industrial manufacturer with an exclusive technology in both ThermoCouple manufacturing and Nano Technology.”  Later, the Company said that Alysium was developing “body armor.”  Still later, AuGRID said that Alysium was “distributing specialty sensors, drives and motors.”

Exactly what was Alysium doing?  Not enough, as it turned out.  On March 30, 2005, AuGRID announced that it as a “cost cutting measure” it had “temporarily” ceased research, development and distribution operations at Alysium.  Is this temporary interregnum likely to prove permanent?  AuGRID seems to be making a clean break with the underperforming subsidiary.   The Company said it was firing the Alysium staff in Houston and Austin, Texas, relocating its corporate headquarters to Cleveland, Ohio, exploring ways to unwind the Alysium merger, and considering lawsuits against “three consultants and four of the Alysium partners.”  None of these measures sound temporary.

Meanwhile, Alysium was not the only flickering flame in the AuGRID fire.  In September 2003, the Company undertook yet another venture, announcing that it would sell electronic products, including television monitors, through a newly formed subsidiary called Optipure LLC.  Although the Company subsequently claimed to have signed up “approximately” 15 dealers and distributors for the Optipure products in the U.S. and abroad, it is not clear whether the subsidiary has generated any revenues.
Any income that flowed from Alysium or Optipure seems to have been short-lived.  Indeed, the nature of AuGRID’s revenues – such as they are – is something of a mystery since the Company has stopped filing financial reports with the SEC.  AuGRID’s most recent Form 10-Q, for the quarter ended September 30, 2004, indicated that the Company had no revenues at all between June 1 and September 30, 2004.  During the first six months of 2004, AuGRID generated revenues of approximately $254,000 from one or both of its ventures – far less than the nearly $900,000 in general and administrative expenses incurred during that period.

Now the Company says that Optipure is about to gain traction in the Middle East.  Although AuGRID has shuttered its offices in Texas as a “cost-cutting” measure, it recently announced the opening of a new office in Dubai – claiming that a search is under way to select distributors and installers for Optipure’s video and “soon to be released” audio products.

Those potential distributors and installers are likely to be a tad confused if they look for Optipure’s audio and video products on the website identified in AuGRID’s May 26, 2005 press release -  That website belongs to the Optipure Brand of Chemco Industries, “a leading supplier of quality raw materials for the nutritional supplement industry.”  There is no mention of electronic equipment, video and audio products, or AuGRID.

The dispute with CeraVision, demise of Alysium, and doubts surrounding Optipure are not the only questions facing AuGRID.  On December 13, 2004, the Company issued a press release stating that its trading symbol had been changed from AGRI to AGRIE and going on to say that, as the result of a random audit, the Company was being asked to comply with the provision of the Sarbanes Oxley Act that requires public companies to use accountants who have registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Group. 
The Company said that its auditor, Henry Creel was working to “amend this issue” and the Company’s “internal comptroller,” Stan Chapman, said that AuGRID would “move swiftly to comply with the decision of the auditor.”

What did Creel discover and Chapman implement?  On January 26, 2005, Henry L. Creel Co. Inc. was replaced as AuGRID’s independent auditor.  On May 25, 2005, Stan Chapman was removed as an Officer and Director of the Company.  AuGRID said that it would seek to hire an individual with suitable knowledge of public company financial requirements.  The Company said that both men were terminated at the recommendation of the Audit Committee, which, according to a Form 14A Information Statement filed on September 30, 2004, consists of “non-management member of the Board.  That same Information Statement indicated that the Board was comprised of Chapman, M.J. Shaheed (the Company’s CEO and President), Mary Sloat-Horoszko (Secretary and manager of the Company’s day-to-day operations) and Essa Mashni – and that only Mashni was not also a corporate officer. 

That would suggest that Mashni was the sole member of the Audit Committee.  His biography does not indicate any meaningful financial background.  Mashni is a pharmacist and a member of the American Pharmaceutical Association, the Michigan Pharmacy Association, the American Ramallah Federation and St. Mary's Antiochian Orthodox Church. 

The December 13th press release implied that the symbol change for the Company’s stock was somehow related to the NASD’s “random audit.”  That is not necessarily the case.  NASD routinely adds the additional “E” to a stock symbol when a Company is not in compliance with its reporting obligations.  Companies may be removed from the OTC Bulletin Board if they have not demonstrated their compliance within 30 business days.  On February 3, 2005, AuGRID was removed from the OTC Bulletin Board for failure to comply with NASD’s reporting requirements.  The Company now trades on the Pink Sheets.
And now it is making plans for a new venture and dropping a major name along the way.  On June 9, 2005, the Company disclosed that it had completed production of a prototype “Home Entertainment PC Gaming System” to be combined with its “Internet Audio System.”  AuGRID stated that it has “reached out to Microsoft” for a possible collaboration on its Internet audio device.

AuGRID did not explain how it hoped to carve a place in the highly competitive home entertainment market – where other players are well-entrenched and far better capitalized.  Nor did the Company indicate how it is financing this latest venture, when the prototypes were created and by whom and whether it has any patents or trademarks for the product. 

Is there any possibility that Microsoft will respond favorably to the Company’s overtures?  It seems like quite a reach.  Alas, it would appear that, once again, AuGRID’s reach may exceed its grasp. 


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Hartley Bernstein and Debra Debra New York City Law Firm

Debra Cherney represents corporate clients and individuals in connection with all aspects of corporate, commercial and real estate transactions. While a significant portion of her practice has been devoted to representing companies in the financial services industry, including international and U.S.-based broker-dealer/investment banking organizations and an NYSE Group affiliate company, Ms. Cherney represents a diverse group of clients on a broad range of corporate and transactional matters.

Friday, 20 September 2013

7 Red Flags For Investors

Readers often ask how they can spot a potential stock scam.  Are there warning signs that signal investors to proceed with caution – or not at all?  The answer, of course, is that there are red flags that should trigger instant skepticism.

There are just so many ways to fool the public, and while investment schemes are constantly changing, the latest scams are often variations on older themes.

Still, stock schemes continue to thrive and their victims lose millions of dollars.  And while regulators eventually catch up with some of the schemers, it is often years after the fraud has concluded, and long after the profits and profiteers have disappeared.

Investors need to act as their own first line of defense, and avoid dubious investments in the first place.  How can they do that?  There are “red flags” flying that signal the possibility of a stock scam.  Here is our short list - seven warning signs that scream out, “Stay Away!”:

  • Unsolicited Spam E-mails
  • The Absence of Public Information
  • Foreign Relations
  • Uh, Oh Canada
  • Opportunism.
  • Shares AplentyPromoters.
Investors should pay attention to these warning signs.  There is no guaranteed way to avoid investment schemes (unless you don’t invest), but everyone can reduce his or her exposure to potential losses by remaining alert and informed.  Remember, there is no substitute for information.  Before you invest, investigate.

For more information about Debra Cherney visit at suggested link.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


What does an unsuccessful penny stock company do once it has implemented a reverse stock-split – its fifth since 2002 – once again shrinking the holdings of its current shareholders?

If the Company is GREM USA (OTCBB: GRUS) it sets the stage to issue new shares.  In February 2007, GREM completed a 1 for 4 reverse stock-split.  Then, on April 9, 2007, GREM filed a Form S-8 Registration Statement, registering 560 million shares for its GREM USA Stock Compensation Plan.”  The newly registered shares can now be issued to – and sold by – consultants, advisors, officers, directors and employees of the Company.

GREM, which says it intends to design and sell guitars – but has yet to strike a profitable note – has been down this road before.  On February 16, 2006, for example, the Company filed a Form S-8 registering 700 million shares of its common stock to be handed out to this same group.  Some of those shares – 65 million – went to Gregory Reszel, a consultant who has been retained to design guitars for the Company.  But far more stock – 490 million shares – was issued to Steven Carnes, a consultant who was engaged to provide vague “management and merger and acquisition services.  As best we can determine, however, GREM’s “management” consists of its sole officer and director, Edward Miers, and the Company has not engaged in any meaningful mergers or acquisitions. readers will recognize Steven Carnes as a penny stock pro who has been involved with another pair of over-hyped, non-performing companies, Signature Leisure and Renovo Holdings.

Which officers, directors and consultants will be receiving the newly registered 560 million shares of GEM common stock?  Miers remains the Company’s sole officer and director.  Consultants?  Stay tuned.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Important considerations when hiring a corporate lawyer in New York

If you are starting a new business, consider finding a corporate attorney to guide you through the process.  While it is certainly possible to handle the mechanics without legal assistance – given the number of online services available- there is no substitute for the advice you will receive from an experienced lawyer who can help you select the best route for forming your company.  

Business formation is only the first step.  Once you are up and running a capable attorney will help you navigatge regulations that apply to your company, protect yourself against liability, and put in place the mechanisms for operating a growing business.

Lawyers and law firms come in all shapes and sizes.  As a start-up business you are likely to be best served by a smaller firm – one that specializes in businesses your size. A large law firm generally represents large businesses and, as a smaller client, you may not get the sort of attention and relationship you are seeking and deserve. 

Smaller law firms also will help you control costs and, more often than not, you will be dealing with the same attorney you first meet, not a junior associate. Cost is also a major factor to consider when contracting a corporate law firm. This is also related to the size of the law firm that you seek. Large law firms generally charge higher hourly rates, and assign more than one attorney to your issues – thereby increasing your costs even more. 

Timing is another vital factor when hiring a corporate lawyer in New York. It is important that you invest time into selecting these professionals long before you actually need their services. This will allow for better screening, rather than making the rush when you are in a desperate situation. 

Choosing the right corporate lawyer in New York City is vital for long term security of your venture. Having a personal lawyer ready to devote a significant amount of their time attending to your business’ legal needs can help you avoid legal disasters well before they occur. With the right law firm, you can ensure that your business’ operations are airtight and excellent for avoiding unnecessary and at times malicious claims, against your business which might harm your financial and operational stability.

About The Publisher

Debra Cherney represents corporate clients and individuals in connection with all aspects of corporate, commercial and real estate transactions. While a significant portion of her practice has been devoted to representing companies in the financial services industry, including international and U.S.-based broker-dealer/investment banking organizations and an NYSE Group affiliate company, Ms. Cherney represents a diverse group of clients on a broad range of corporate and transactional matters.  These include technology-related and services agreements; contracts related to information dissemination; corporate governance; and the purchase, sale and provision of goods and services on behalf of both providers and customers of those goods and services.

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